Friday, July 16, 2010

Possible return of the Big Bad Wolf.

I was actually tormented by the real big bad wolf when I was a child. It has been years (since I moved to japan in fact) that I have noticed any sign of the big bad wolf. However today I smelled it. It has the musty smell of old blood. I would recognize the smell anywhere because I have been within nose distance from the wolf in the past; one of the most terrifying experiences I have ever had.

Needless to say I am a little nervous and shocked to smell it in my adult life. I first noticed the smell as I was extracting my bike from the shed. The stench was strong, like the wolf had been there recently.

I am not saying that I am afraid now because I have never seen him attack adults but I am a little nervous for my little girls. I don't want them to be paralyzed by fear or worse disappear. I am hoping it is just a coincidence; a temporary resting place for the wolf as it carries on to some hellish destination.

I hope

1 comment:

  1. I think we need to wait several years before our children find out about the big bad wolf
