Thursday, October 21, 2010

Raw (as in not cooked)

I want to part from my normal light hearted blogging to something of the utmost importance.

What is the most important thing in the world? Well this has been something debated from the beginning of time I am sure but I want to give you my spin; I believe the most important thing in the world is people. People matter more than anything. Because people are so important it makes sense that we should care about them.

My youngest little girl (8 months)
So what does it mean to care about people? Well first off don't try to figure out ways to kill them; second off, find ways to love them.  I hope at some point you all get a chance to have children because they are awesome. Children, especially your own children, are special because they are the only people with the capacity to love you without prejudice. A child doesn't care what you look like, where you come from, how rich you are, how well bred, or what you have done (or are doing) in your life; they love you raw. It is nearly inexpressible the power that a child's love has. A child's love-filled hug can bring the hardest person to their knees in tears.

My oldest little girl (2)
What I long for in my own life is the ability to love people raw; to have the same powerful love of a child. When I approach someone I want them to feel like they are the most loved person in the world. I want to look at a person and see only their soul, the part of them that is true and real. How blissful it would be to feel and express pure, unrestrained, and unprejudiced love.

Everyone is raw. I hope when you next meet me that I have gained a little ground in becoming like a child in love. I hope you will see in my eyes that I love you--raw.

The wife and kids (Yeah, they love me)

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